Hugo 2.3e for the Amiga ----------------------- This is an Amiga port of the compiler (hc), the debugger (hd) and the player (he or "Hugo Engine") for the Hugo text adventure authoring system. Please send comments or queries about this Amiga port to the email address below. Note that these programs may require more than the standard stack (the stack for the Hugo engine is set in its icon to 8192, and I would recommend at least as much for the compiler and debugger). The following Workbench tooltypes are supported by the engine and the debugger: DIR This sets the initial directory for the file requester which opens when the Hugo Engine is started from Workbench, e.g. DIR=Work:Games/HugoGames PROPFONT These two tooltypes determine which proportional and FIXEDFONT fixed-width fonts Hugo should use, e.g. PROPFONT=times/15 If either are omitted then topaz/8 are used in place of the omitted font. Both fonts must have the same height, else topaz/8 will be used. Proportional fonts are only supported for games compiled with Hugo 2.2 or newer. When started from the Shell these tooltypes will be processed if an icon is found. David Kinder